
025 - Weight Loss Mindset w/ Dr. Traci Kiernan

To kick off a new and exciting series, Dr. Kalie is joined by Dr. Traci Kiernan! They will be delivering 4 weeks of content relating to weightloss. This is specifically designed to give you the tools you need to reach your goals easily.

This week these ladies dive deep into the mindset it takes for weightloss. Dr. Traci is an expert in the weightloss field and sees what people struggle with on a daily basis. She has a passion to see everyone be set free and teach them to make healthy decisions.

Stay tuned towards the middle as Dr. Traci tosses out the Fast Food Challenge!

Where to reach Dr. Traci and more about her:
Dr. Traci is the owner/founder of Natural State Health Center and Trubalance Health. She is a wellness physician, business coach, author, radio show host and speaker, and founder and owner of five health clinics. She is committed to helping people create freedom, so they can live their lives to their fullest potential. She is married and a mother of four children, so She understands the challenges of fitting it all in.

πŸ“² Visit her website

She can be found on Facebook through this link πŸ‘‰πŸΌπŸ‘‰πŸΌ
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